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The Farms
The Farms
Cape Cod Oysters begin their days as seedlings.
Cape Cod Oysters begin their days as seedlings, feeding in the nutrient rich waters of North Bay on Cape Cod. From there they are hand grown and harvested in the premier merrior of Barnstable Harbor. The strong ebb and flow of ocean tides twice a day supply our oysters with a diet rich in minerality and salinity creating a distinctive ocean-in-a-shell flavor that can only come from the waters off of Cape Cod
Barnstable harbor is an inter-tidal estuary on the north side of Cape Cod. The body of water is bordered by a barrier beach to the north called Sandy Neck and the town of Barnstable proper to the south.
Nestled in loose, fine sand and bathed by the channel’s shallow, fertile waters, Washburn Island Oysters enjoy optimal salinity and temperatures for fast growth, elegant cupping and premium taste.